Calling all Pipers, Drummers, and Pipe Bands…

Entries are now open for the 2024 Games! Go to to download and read the Information Guide which includes the rules prior to registering for the events you wish to compete in. Then use the “Enter The Piping Competition” link or “Enter The Drumming Competition” link or ” Enter The Band, Quartet, and drum fanfare Competition” link to the Eventbrite entry form for the competition. Hope you can join us!

2 thoughts on “Calling all Pipers, Drummers, and Pipe Bands…”

  1. Help! I can’t find a published time of play for solo piping events for the 2024 games. I don’t know when to be there or where. Have searched the web and can’t find info I need on your website or BC Pipers site. I’m signed up and would like to know when I play tomorrow.
    Dixie Mize

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