Meet Our Committee Chairs
The Seattle Scottish Highland Games Association is a self-supporting, non-profit 501(c)(3) group. The Committee Chairs receive no remuneration for the hard work and many hours that they dedicate to the Association. Please join with us as we acknowledge and thank them for the donation of this special gift.
We currently have a need for Committee Chairs for the Future Athlete Committee, Isle O’ The Wee Bairns Committee, and Scottish Farm Committee. Also looking for Games Tent hosts. Questions or if interested in volunteering for one of these committees please contact our President, Colin Mathieson!
Highland Games Committees | Highland Games Committees cont. | All Other Committees |
Advertising (Media) Sharon McBride Ritelis | Future Athletes Colin Mathieson | Christmas Parade Sharon McBride Ritelis |
Announcing Scott West | Gates Don Lake | Games Tents VACANT |
Camping Cynthia Lostoski & on-site manager John Hamrick | Highland Shop Cindy Lake | Heather Ball Barb McBride & Sharon McBride Ritelis |
Ceilidh Friday & Saturday Scott Davis | Information Cindy Lake | Heather Ball Silent Auction Kay Rivera |
Celtic Arts Showcase Mary Malone | Isle O’ The Wee Bairns VACANT | Membership Saundra White |
Celtic Kennel Mike & Barbara Webb | Kirken O’ The Tartan & Church Service Cindy Lake | Newsletter Farley Provan Bartelmes |
Celtic Sessions Mary Malone | Opening & Closing Ceremonies Saundra White | Portfolio Sharon McBride Ritelis & Farley Provan Bartelmes |
Childrens’ Passport Meagan Tougher | Parking VACANT | Volunteers Heather Curtin |
Clan Tents & Vendors Sheilla Hagedorn Wendy Mutton | Pipes & Drums On Parade Jenny White | Volunteer Thank You Party Barb McBride & Farley Provan Bartelmes |
Competition – Band, Piping, Drumming Candi Burpee | Games Souvenir Program Heather Curtin & Gail Mathieson | |
Competition – Dancing Candi Burpee | Pub – Rampant Lion Matt McBride & Sharon McBride Ritelis | |
Competition Entry Candi Burpee | Pub – Tilted Kilt Carol Hoosier | |
Competition Heavy Events Bret Lathrop & Jay O’Neil | Saltire & Rising of the Clans Scott West | |
Competition – Medals & Trophies Kathy Sinclair | Scottish Farm VACANT | |
Competition – Scoring Candi Burpee | Scottish Heritage Series VACANT | |
Field Colin Mathieson | Security Matt McBride | |
First Aid Kathy & Larry Thomas | Staff Tent Barb McBride | |
Food Booths Barb McBride, Katie McBride & Sharon McBride Ritelis | Walk Through Time Sven Asplund & Ambriel Bauer |