We knew the Games would be a struggle from the get-go and that moving forward was on a hope and a prayer. We hoped and prayed for volunteers. We hoped and prayed for competitors. We hoped and prayed for participants. We hoped and prayed for attendees. Albeit the numbers did not live up to our hoped for expectations but all things considered we do chalk 2022 up to a great Games!
The weather was perfect with attendance being off by 17% from our previous Games. This brought our attendance to 17,500 for the weekend. We know a few people were unhappy with our raising prices close to across the board but we already had an inkling that so many of our costs had escalated to more than 100% of pre-pandemic levels. As some of the bids came in with 2nd bids being the same or worse our dread increased that we would not be able to cover our costs. As the bank account is showing, as the bills are being paid, it appears we are set to break-even but unfortunately not pick up some of the pandemic shortfall. Doctor to patient: You did not lose the leg but you have a limp!
Bottom line the Games will move forward into our 76th year but we do need to continue our fundraising efforts to aid this all volunteer, non-profit Association with no corporate sponsor waiting in the wings to help us out. We do so appreciate all who donated what they could over the last 2 years. You were all amazing!
We send a shout out and our heartfelt thanks to our guests who joined us, a good amount for the first time and became members. We hope to see you again next year and possibly in our volunteer ranks! Many thanks to all of the competitors who exhibited breathtaking talent and fortitude throughout the competition venues. Plus, a big shout out to the outstanding group of Clans, Families, Societies and Associations who shared their lore and history with us, vendors who provided a Celtic shopping experience and entertainers who enthralled us every time they took the stage.
And we can’t say this enough… The Association is extremely thankful for our hard working Board, in turn an amazing group of Committee Chairs and ALL the stalwart volunteers who stepped forward to help and assist. You folks are the biggest asset to making our version of Bridadoon appear on the Friday night and disappear into the mist on Sunday evening each year! We could not have done it without you!
Thank you to all who joined us to experience a Wee Bit O’ Scotland in the Pacific Northwest! It’s not too early to mark your calendar and plan to join us next year for the 76th Annual Pacific Northwest Scottish Highland Games & Clan Gathering, July 21, 22 and 23, 2023! Slàinte Mhath to YOU, our supporters and to a great 2023 Games!
We are continuing to solicit donations to help us defray our operating costs of the pandemic years which included but were not limited to internet, phone, etc. and our biggest expense multiple storerooms where the “Games” are stored. Our journey has been a struggle but with your help we can navigate and survive these unprecedented times and go into the future solvent and whole! YOU are appreciated. Thank you!