Pacific NW Scottish Highland Games & Clan Gathering
Scotland Comes To The Pacific Northwest!
July 25, 26, and 27, 2025
Enumclaw Expo Center
45224 – 284th Avenue SE
Enumclaw, Washington 98022
No Pets Allowed In The Enumclaw Expo Center
2024 Souvenir Program Advertising
We cordially invite you to become an important part of our Games by placing an advertisement in our Souvenir Program. The format is 8 1/2″ x 10 1/2″. All ads must be camera-ready and must be received by June 23. As an advertiser, you will receive a complimentary copy of our Souvenir Program after the Games.
The Games are the sixth oldest in the USA, the largest in the northwestern USA, and feature Highland dancing, piping, drumming, pipe band competitions, and Scottish athletic events. Also, the Avenue of the Clans and the Glen of the Clans showcase various Clans, societies, and vendors. The vendors market clothing and other goods from the British Isles and beyond. In addition to the hundreds of competitors who will take part in our Games, we anticipate that upwards of 20,000 spectators from the USA, Canada, and other parts of the world will visit and enjoy a “wee bit of Scotland” right here in the Pacific Northwest.
Take a few minutes to decide how advertising in our Souvenir Program will best serve your needs!
Advertising Rates And Specifications

Ad Submission Details ― Deadline: June 23, 2024
Submit your ads via email to souvenirprog@sshga.org
Payment due at time of ad submission; no refunds.
Click here to fill out the online registration form and make your payment.
No Refunds.
Don’t delay – deadlines have a way of approaching much too quickly!
Format―PDF (press quality) at 300 dpi at the ad size required. If the PDF is inconsistent with ad specifications, the ad will be returned for modification (submit your ads early!). The SSHGA strives to reproduce your ad to industry quality standards. The advertiser, agency, or designer is responsible for the resolution and quality of images, font reproduction, and/ or typographical error.
We do not accept ads created in Microsoft Word, Publisher, or Corel Draw.
No Refunds.
Join Clan SSHGA Today! You'll Be Glad You Did!
donate today
As a self-supporting, non-profit, all-volunteer organization funding our programs can be difficult. With no corporate backing behind us, and the escalation of expenses over the last few years, our efforts to meet our budget requirements and explore additions to our lineup, has been stymied.
Our journey has been a struggle but with your donation we can navigate and survive these unprecedented times and go into the future solvent and whole! YOU are appreciated.
Thank you for donating to help us continue bringing Scotland to the Pacific Northwest!